Malena Colon
Fun fact: I self-published a book in ninth grade.
I was born in Queens, NY and moved to New Jersey when I was in first grade. I've always been passionate about creative writing, reading, and literature, and so I intend to concentrate in literary arts. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer, have a love/hate relationship with running, and also like to draw. I have a cat and two turtles at home. I'm excited to be a part of PSP to both be a part of a community and to further explore my interests in brand new ways that broaden my academic scope.
I worked with Professor Haviland to revise a syllabus on a course she teaches in the spring. The focus of this course is the topic of race in early American film, and our goals were to find more information on the works of African American filmmakers as well as more insight into the production, exhibition, and reception of these films. This research has allowed me to learn more about how movies and other works of art or entertainment play a significant role in informing our cultural narratives, and how they can often serve to perpetuate deep-rooted prejudices.