Presidential Scholars Program

Tere I. Islas

Research Interests Social Injustice, Inequality in Education
Program SSH


Fun fact: I have climbed to the top of both the pyramids of the Moon and Sun in Teotihuacán, México.

My name is Tere Islas ('21). I was born and raised in Chicago, IL, but I often visit México, the homeland of my parents. My intended concentration is Education and Public Policy. I am interested in learning about education policies that directly affect low-income communities. I want to have a better understanding of the root of the obstacles underrepresented students in Chicago face. Apart from being a Presidential Scholar in the SSH cohort, I am also a part of MEChA's E-Board, and I volunteer for various organizations through the Swearer Center. In my free time, I love to go biking and admire Providence's beautiful scenery. I am also a fan of Mexican soap operas, and I am always excited to eat food from different cultures. As a PSP scholar, I have a supportive community that helps me explore my interest in research while advising me through challenges that I face as a first-generation student. I am so excited for the new cohort and the great opportunities they'll experience!